Microwave Ceiling Mounted Thin for warehouse/high bay : (BT31MHF)
Microwave Device High Frequency Type: (BT31MHF)

Microwave Ceiling Mounted Thin for warehouse/high bay : (BT31MHF)

Rs.1,399.00 Rs.1,600.00
The product is a new saving-energy switch; it adopts microwave sensor mould with high-frequency electro-magnetic

wave (5.8GHz) and integrated circuit. It gathers automatism, convenience, safety, saving-energy and practicality

functions. The wide detection field depends on detectors. It works by receiving human motion. When one enters the

detection field, it can start the load at once and identify automatically day and night. Its installation is very convenient and

its using is very wide. Detection is possible to go through doors, panes of glass or thin walls.
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